03-04-2007, 04:40 PM
Nother pic of the girl who sent the pic of her azz & a dildo... Currently on checkmate via text I dnt wana text her to seem desperate & she's not texting me either rolleyes: She doesn't look totally hot, but she's probably the most manipulative, charming, cunning & flirtatious lil bish that I ever met. She's had guys cutting themselves over her before & another guy went pretty nuts. She dates about 5 guys at once then sets them all off against each other to get her rocks off, a modern Scarlet O'Hara.
[img]http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b118/iraqois/SHAGITSHAGIT.jpg[/img] This the girlie I'm working on now, she's got me v confused. I met her out clubbing but she said she wouldn't give me her number because she has trust issues stupid: But she still talks to me on MSN etc? stupid: I don't really wana hang around being her friend like some pussy but also don't wana lose a potential ho either.
[img]http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b118/iraqois/n509838817_24458_2308.jpg[/img] Same bish, prolly cutest girl around at the moment for moi, just wish I knew what the hell she thought of me... mad: