BF-1942 MP strategy guide (aka top mistakes made by players) -
09-13-2002, 02:48 PM
Here are some tips on how to use teamwork to win the game and things I see which you should not do:
Snipers: Those binocs are there for a reason! You can use them to call in arty. and if someone (like me) says "snipers spot for me with binocs" you better fucking do it! I have camped in the 5-inch cannon on Wake (the one that lets you shoot inland) for like 5 minutes and the 3 idiot snipers didn't even call one fire-mission.
Vehicles: If someone says "requesting pickup" and they are close to you, you better stop! If you are a tanks and there are already 2 people, still stop, a person or 2 can jump on top of the tank "Russian style" (NOTE: this is used only for transport and you should get off before getting in range of enemy)
Airplanes: it helps if you taxi onto the field (using A and D keys) before you try to take off, or you'll crash into a hooch every single time.
It is also a good strategy to pick up a rear gunner and parachute him over enemy ships, you can do this without gunner too but you lose a plane.
General squad tactics: If you have 8 men you should probably have
1 Bazooka
1 sniper
1 engineer
2 medics
3 assaults
(add more men as you go up)
The sniper should operate independently with a medic or assault for cover, the rest would be better off staying together in a group.
The sniper and medic/assault should use a jeep or plane to get forward and spy/direct arty/snipe people (duh)
General tips:
if you are gunner on halftrack and get shot, push number key 3-6 to get in back and heal.
The shortest route to the objective is usually the one enemy campers are watching, if you take time you can take them from the rear.
I'll post a few more later.