Thread: Vets?
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Default 03-04-2007, 08:13 PM

Originally Posted by Arkan
Holy fuckin' grave dig Mr. pull that one out of your ass?
Damn, i've been here for your situation with that girl with the kid. That was a lifetime ago.....what ever became of her?
Basically, as expected, things were just far too complicated and it didn't work out.

We had lots of fun in Fort Worth but ultimately the distance, the child and the roommate problems proved too much. Shes since gotten married and had another child, heh!

Still send her the odd message on myspace nowadays so we've always kind of been in touch.

Its funny how you read back over the things you've written, the thoughts going through your head and realise how naive you were.
Thing was, I always knew the dangers and potential problems beforehand so I was alot more prepared than most would've been.
I really was in love back then, its an amazing feeling that made life feel utterly amazing.
In the end it wasn't to be the ultimate love I had in mind, almost the opposite sometimes but at least I've had that feeling now. One of the most intense feelings I've ever had. Some never get the chance to experience such things I guess.......the relationship failed, but I don't regret anything. Even now.

That man is the richest whose pleasures are the cheapest - Henri David Thoreau
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