03-05-2007, 03:52 AM
Well I finally got the mother fucker. . .the XBOX that is. . .
Jesus fucking christ this thing is huge. I know my PS2 wasnt the thinnest girl in the class - but FUCK! And the battery. . .dear god the battery.
I spent all day actually inside the piece of shit machine - as it kept on giving me "Open Tray" errors. . .the solution - stick a piece of rubber band on the lens bar so it doesnt go off the DVD. Works like a charm now, although it sounds like a lawnmower when Im in single player for any game.
Aint had too much of a chance to play as I spent quite a bit of time just getting the beast open (online tutorials are shit).
Fuck though - creating a name on this thing is tough. . .under ANDSv2 (yes TGB, MrSpecialED were taken - a fucking travesty).
Question: If I want to change my name in future or add someone on to my LIVE acct - can I do so?