03-06-2007, 11:04 PM
heres a copy and paste I got from hardforums
[Rumor Mill] Info on Gears of War DLC
Well, some of the rumor mill info coming around based upon upcoming DLC for Gears focuses on new maps and new weapons. I am pretty sure we would see new maps, hopefully the achievement 'thing' gets switched...also mentions some new weapons (LOL! Flamethrower! Wow...can't wait to see the madness it would create). Here's a cut/paste of the info, link credit to site below:
A rumor has started about three new Gears of War maps and weapons. I’m a bit puzzled by weapons but it will be nice with a few more weapons and maps. I’m not sure if these are true but the trusty Rumor Finder of Live Gamer (or a hoax by Elite Gunner IV) says they are so let’s wait and see if they are announced at GDC this week.
1. Flamethrower (Confirmed)
2. Plasma Canon (Confirmed)
3. Dual wielded Uzi (In development)
1. Locust Cavern (Night)(Confirmed)
2. Locust Cavern (Day)(Confirmed)
3. Suburbs of Sera (Confirmed)
sounds hella fun