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Default 03-07-2007, 09:28 PM

Originally Posted by Whatada
Originally Posted by Tripper
Originally Posted by Whatada

brittany = fucking idiot.
What, so you believe she is actually mentally retarded?

I mean jesus christ let's see how any of us would deal with that kind of exposure. THAT is what is insane here. I'm not denying she's hill-billy trash, I just don't think the whole 666/satanic shaven-head suicide attempt is a result of any mental retardation.
The girl is over trying to play up for the cameras because, I imagine, its a lot of work covering your tracks for every single little thing you do wrong, and she's probably just given up, and acting up to this degree as if to say to the tabloid media "you've already dragged my name through the mud, let's see what you do with this obvious mental-break-down fake-out."
looool. 9.

i don't think she's retarded, i think she's a dumb twat who likes to SHOW her twat, and do stupid, twatlike things. she's just pining for attention. why would anybody purposefully drag their name through the mud? i really doubt this is some kinda of fake-out, just her going "LOL HI GUYZ WACH ME DO A BAKFLIP."
She doesn't need to do things for press attention. They've been filming her non-stop since her debut a decade ago. Shes a household name. Its not as if she needs to do anything extra for attention, shes probably been spending most of her career so far avoiding situations like this. If she were an attention whore she'd be more like courtney love or anna nicole smith - That's why I think shes just throwing this big shit-fit not for attention but more as a reaction to the intense media exposure of her which has been magnified since that hillbilly crap with her baby.
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