Originally Posted by anti
Originally Posted by geRV
Originally Posted by Milla
Well his rant on Mac people is dead on.
Yup, Mac users seem to think theyre high and mighty because theyre not using a Microsoft os. Funny thing is macs barely make up 5% of the pc industry so to say theyre in the minority is a vast understatement, i think even linux users have more numbers than mac users. biggrin:
that's the point. they;re underground yo. so hip as the underdog. suck my dick.
fuck maddox, HEY EVERYONE; I'M SHITTING ON THE WORLD! lewis black does a better job; and he doesn't sit there jerking himself off int he mirror as he does it.
Wouldn't exactly call a company that worth billions "underground". Its just that idiots suck in all the shit Jobs spews like its the word of god. Macs used to be more stable than windows for one reason, they were a fixed platform, they all had the same type o cpu (different speeds obviously) all had the same motherboard, same ram same chipsets etc. If a company can't get a fixed platform like that to run stable then they may as well shut down and go back to licking windows for a living.
Pc's have literally thousand of different configs, from the high end motherboards to the little $30 jobs no-ones ever heard of. Apple always had it far easier with thier fixed platform approach. Not to mention that if MS hadn't invested $150,000,000 in apple back in 97 the company would most likely have sunk long ago.