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[NSR] Lt.Col Virgo Quinn is Offline
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Location: Toronto, Canada.
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Default Calrification - 09-13-2002, 05:27 PM

A Spawn Camper, usually a sniper, will scope a likely spawn spot. When a player respawns, he just pulls the trigger. Spawn campers, in a large enough room, can make dozens of kills from just one spot. Of course, once I get nailed by one, I make it my mission to erdicate them, by covering their most likely location.

As for leaning, many players do it, including some of the best clans on the Net, which is why I am not surprised there would be resistance to it. Naturally leaning is impossible in real life, and the game designers never intended it to be used in the way that it is, i.e. in open combat. The best leaning players and clans are conspicously absent from Realism ladders, since of course leaning with a shotty is mostly ineffective.

Newbies are not particularly annoying, unless in a round based or objective match they are the last ones alive only b/c they've been hiding all game. Its funny to watch them trying doors that wont open.

Personally, I'd have to agree that Team Killers are the worst. A determined Team Killer, who is most often a teenage boy looking for attention, can ruin an entire game if the server admin is not there. My personal policy is that I give a tk'er three strikes, then I go after him at all costs. Its no longer fun for a TKer if he has to deal with skilled and determined adversary who is gunning for them and cant make the easy, cowardly, sneaky kills.
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