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Default 09-13-2002, 05:49 PM

TKers are just evil!

glitchers are next in line, one time a TDM on Destroyed Village became an objective map with respawns (axis: get under map, Allies: defend the house that leads to the under-the-map)

followed closely by spawn campers (especially when axis has allies outnumbered 2-1 on Remagen and they push to where you can't spawn without being shot right away)

lean-strafers don't bother me too much but I have to stop laughing before I can play again.

Bazookas are a useful weapon if used in conjunction with squad tactics (ie. rifleman opens door and bazooka man blasts inside room, faster than nade so enemy can't run away)

newbies are only annoying when they get their ass lost on an objective map or don't know how to defuse a bomb.
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