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Default 03-25-2007, 08:51 PM

Originally Posted by Proteus
The guy WAS a P.O.S.. He was on trial for murdering an elderly woman. They didn't think highly of him to begin with, and then he shot a cop in the face... in a court room. It's total disrespect to the country, not just the officer he killed and his family.. and friends.

The guy was lucky they didn't kill him. It's not right for cops to act out of emotion like that, but when some situations are that overwhelming you can't blame them. You can't. And if you do, then become a cop, and stfu.
he wasn't on trial for the woman's murder and he wasn't in a courtroom when he shot the cop, but I think you're right about the cops just having unrestrained emotion, that's why I said I could understand WHY they did it, but I still don't think it was ok. I know sometimes people get carried away and sometimes because of their emotion, but that doesn't justify their actions.