03-29-2007, 05:56 PM
Ok, placed my order...rifle should be here within 2 weeks. Got me [url=http://www.bushmaster.com/shopping/weapons/Images/BCWA2F-14AK.jpg:663be]this[/url:663be] and while i was at it, got me one of [url=http://www.mpi.cz/produkty-obrazky/glock_19-841547.jpg:663be]these[/url:663be] for the hell of it. It's going to be a shoot fest over here in the next few weeks.
Oh, forgot to mention, i'm also getting a bare lower (Stag) for my 20" camo special build. Next up, XCR.
Get 'em while you still can fellas....the Dems are comin' for your guns.
The world is my urinal