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TGB! is Offline
Command Sergeant Major
Posts: 2,644
Join Date: Dec 2003
Default 04-01-2007, 08:31 PM

SCHINDLERS LIST wasnt a "dry" docudrama, but it got its story across and wasnt cliched.
REQUIEM FOR A DREAM wasnt dry. RAIN MAN wasnt dry. BOYZ IN THE HOOD and COLORS werent dry. THE LAST KING OF SCOTLAND wanst dry. The list could go on and on about movies that tackle/d real life issues or historical events, but didnt saturate it with Hollywood nonsense. Whats even worse, is that this movie was nominated for an Oscar. It wasnt "bad" by any means. . .the actors did their jobs - but considering the subject matter and the caliber of talent involved - youd THINK more care would have been taken to not have it be as polished and glossy as it was.
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