Thread: ITS THE LAW!
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Default 04-03-2007, 09:22 AM

Originally Posted by Zoner
[quote:1b35c]West Virginia

* No children may attend school with their breath smelling of "wild onions."

But regular domestic onions are ok, right? RIGHT??[/quote:1b35c]
Dumb West Virginia Laws
# No children may attend school with their breath smelling of "wild onions."
# When a railroad passes within 1 mile of a community of 100 or more people in it, they must build a station and stop there regularly to pick up and drop off passengers.
# It is illegal to snooze on a train.
# Doctors and dentists may not place a woman under anesthesia unless a third person is present.
# According to the state constitution, it is unlawful for anyone to own a red or a black flag.
# If you wear a hat inside a theater, you may be fined.
# Roadkill may be taken home for supper.
# Whistling underwater is prohibited.
# One may not walk a lion, tiger or leopard, even on a leash.
Nicholas County
# No member of the clergy is allowed to tell jokes or humorous stories from the pulpit during a church service.
# Firemen may not whistle or flirt at any woman passing a firehouse.
# It is legal to beat your wife so long as it is done in public on Sunday, on the courthouse steps.

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