04-10-2007, 02:01 PM
You could always get like wood filler or something to fill the wood back up thats very solid. Then get a new screw (cause the one you have is probably stripped) and re-screw it in. No need to go to a guitar shop who would charge you just for doing that same exact thing (they will probably just paint it and finish it which you could easily do if you just go to home depot or lowes and buy the supplies).
The thing about doing it that way, even if it seems like a crappy way of doing it. Who cares? Your not going to see the glue or the wood filler because your screw is going to be covering it up. And it will hold if you get a new screw which isnt stripped.
Thats just what I would do but Ill ask my bassist tonight when I see him and see what he says.