Thread: imus
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Default 04-10-2007, 03:01 PM

I watched a debate on Hannity & Colmes on Fox about this (I usually watch for a laugh - but this was actually mediated quite fairly) and two of the black guests made some interesting points:

One guy who was a comedian said that he perceived it as Imus trying to crack a joke that went wrong for him, he thought that was the only way anyone like Imus would utter the phrase which even a redneck racist wouldnt understand or say - but then he went on to say that you should be allowed to say anything in the name of comedy, as black comedians like him get to say pretty much whatever they want.

Another guy said he remembered that during Katrina, imus was one of the first to publicly address the bush administrations weak response to the disaster because the people in New Orleans mainly had black skin, he said that it was very wrong and someone should be held accountable - These arent the words of a redneck racist. The guy went onto say before destroying this guys career, his whole persona on-air should be evaluated, not just that one mistake.

That made alot of sense to me. If he got fired for this, then its gonna defame his name for good, he's going to be remembered as the guy that got fired for being a racist. Even though the guy doesnt seem like much of a racist.

The guys at Fox also thought it was silly of Sharpton to attack this guy while he was trying to apologise on his show because in the past Sharpton himself has said some very questionable things about Jews and called New York
Hymie town, he commented that Sharpton still has his career after all that and that there is a major double-standard there.

I watched some of the apology too, and I felt as though Sharpton was being a fucking douche. When he said "you people" and sharpton shat a brick, that pissed me the fuck off. I know for a fact the guy was just addressing the people that he had offended and not necessarily black people in general. Even if he were just talking about black people, how is that offensive? Its wrong for black community leaders who are role-models to promote this kind of mega-sensitivity.

Overall, I think he made a mistake, and a public apology should be enough. If the guy were to be fired, it wouldn't help anyone. Blown way out of proportion.
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