Originally Posted by "Short Hand":80c21
You all insult them, Yet their penal system is FAR superior to the American system. Not to mention that their criminals have a habit to NOT re-offend as much. ed: ... Maybe you should take notes....
I don't think it's just to have people "punished" by living in those conditions. I don't think the living quarters are the reason why they have better systems, but if they were, I wouldn't care. I'm not paying for a criminal to have nicer quarters than me, it's as simple as that--it's not right.[/quote:80c21]
It is about rehabilitation. Not Punishment. If you throw someone into an enviroment like San.Q, What do you get in return ? Someone worse ! Who will leave the system, and re-offend.(This in return costs you more money) NOW this luxury prison is not the solution here in North America, but it is an example we should look apon to slowly change it here, and develope it into a state where this could be acceptable.