Thread: imus
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Default 04-11-2007, 01:06 AM

Originally Posted by gtboys34
Originally Posted by Whatada
Originally Posted by Sparks
I go to school a few blocks away from the NBC building where he works at.
are you black?

if so, are you offended?
he didnt have to call em ho's though man. wtf, really? have he witnessed these chicks giving head on the street or some shit or maybe even seen some vids of them in porn? dont think so so the ho's and the nappy headed combo ended that fuckers career.
I'm going to bet you've called someone a ho or b*tch, not necessarily to their face, but when other people are around. Do you think your future career should end when an employer calls one of your past references and they noted you mistakenly swore?

I bet only 1/3 of those protesters actually listened to Imus before the incident. I say let the first person cast the stone at Imus who's never called someone a ho, b*tch, whore, or any other mischievous word in front of someone or behind someone's back.

Another view we can get into is the "N" word. God forbid someone calls a black person it, but we hear them say it to each other all the time. If you're going to get into "It's ok for black people to say it to each other because of the context they use it in..." gestapo crap, then Imus was using "ho" in the context of something other than a prostitute -- crazy looking girl.

People are making too big of a mess out of something so small, though the black communities are known for feeding on/building up drama... *just pulled an Imus*. calmdown:
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