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Default 04-11-2007, 03:57 PM

Originally Posted by Nyck

great article

she basically says everyone shits a brick and screams because some Jurassic old white shock jock calls women derogatory names, yet half the songs on the hip hop chart refer to them as bitches, n*****. ho's, tricks etc.

I no way condone his actions. it was retarded and a shitty joke. but dropping race cards and stuff into is ridiculous especially when you have half the popular MC's of todays mainstream hip hop referring to women the same way.
apparently he has a history of "poorly chosen words" which, if true, carries alot of weight, i mean, the guy could be a flat out racist and just doesnt hide it very well, you never know. or hes just an old guy who isnt too keen on what words are socially ok to use.

this is actually one case where alot of this pop-rap may be showing its consequences. you cant expect a 90 year old to understand that what these rappers are saying is not ok for you to use even in a joke. i can image it being a pretty confusing situation for old people.

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