04-12-2007, 04:00 AM
If you think you can compare the offensiveness of the word cracker with nigger then you're missing the point.
Jeez, you'd think after the whole slavery, segregation, hundreds of years of mistreatment thing that it wouldnt be so hard for whites to avoid saying one word that has no other use except as racial slander. I mean, its not as if they got their 40 acres or their mule. A little lee-way here shouldn't be that big of a deal.
I get by fine day to day without saying the word. I also don't call jews kikes or asians ching chong chinks. Seriously, why do you guys want to be able to say the word so bad?
...and don't say because they're allowed to call you cracker and you don't get offended, that you should be able to call them nigger or coon or anything like that....because there is a serious difference.