Thread: imus
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Default 04-12-2007, 03:07 PM

Originally Posted by Tripper
Originally Posted by c312
And Tripper, I'm not sure if I'm buying this stuff about slavery and all that. Slavery happened and it was bad but why should we treat people differently because of what happened in the past? Where do the "playing field levelers" end?
The essential point you're making then, is that you dont want black people to be offended when you say the word n*****....because thats the one thing I was referring to in my post.

Good luck getting that to happen.
Which is a stupid point. It's like trying to pressure women to not get insulted when you call them a "bitch", or gays to get insulted when you call them "faggot" -

If I walked up to you oh so liberal progressive minded people and addressed your mother/sister/girlfriend "Hey bitch". . .or "Hey honky-bitch" (just so we can get some racist/sexist material in there) - are you REALLY going to let that roll off the side - please, you'd be ready to fight, even if I said it with a genuine smile and used it "humorously".

lol yup - Thats what im saying, its ridiculous that you ask people not to get offended at something that is offensive.
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