04-13-2007, 10:34 AM
Heh, this guy pwned that one chick:
"Stop bitching. Black people arent the only ones who had to go through hardships in their lives. Stop using whitey as a scapegoat. Not all white people are racists, and just because someone defends IMUS, it doesnt make him a racist. Your a pig who believes your race is infallable because you were slaves 150 years ago. Deal with it, you arent the only people who need to get by in this world.
I might not know how it feels to be black but i know how it feels to be part of a minority, and you know what? i DONT demand special treatment for it, and i DONT let other jews get away with saying "Kyke" or making holocaust jokes. get over yourself. YOU made this into an issue, not Imus."