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Default 04-16-2007, 08:05 PM

The school recently instituted a no guns policy on campus. Virgina has a concealed carry law which allows permitted citizens to legally conceal a handgun for defense purposes. Perhaps if they had allowed concealed weapons on campus, 32+ people wouldn't be dead right now.

Guns can be used for bad, but they can also be used for good. Self defense should be a basic human right. In many states it is.

In Canada, it is not unfortunately. There is basically no right to self defense. If you shoot someone on your property in Canada, you're going to have piles of legal bills to pay because you will be in court regardless.

If you ban all guns, only criminals will have guns. That leaves the rest of the population defenseless. Arm ordinary citizens and perhaps criminals would think twice about committing crimes.

Again, it's not the people who get permits for guns who are shooting people up. Also, statistically, the number of concealed weapons licenses revoked is almost negligible.
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