Originally Posted by Tripper
I don't know why all of these incidents turn into gun debates. These kinds of things always have been and always will be mental health issues. The way I see it, its our lack of understanding of the human mind that leads to things like this, until we have a better understanding we're going to miss alot of warning signs.
How did he buy the gun when he was being treated for depression, with medicine and also counselling? Don't they do background checks....? If they don't then there is your first problem.
There is background check, no idea if they check what drugs you are on but they should have seen he has a tendency to be depressed. Either way the kid is scum and shouldn't even be referred to by his name...just Shit head.
I do agree through tripe, the shit head was mentally ill, now this has happened there will be a shit load of anti gun people running around, as well as violent video game addicts running about crying.
25,000 students i believe coleman