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Default 04-17-2007, 07:42 PM

Originally Posted by Sparks
Originally Posted by Milla
Originally Posted by Sparks
Already the media and government are painting this Cho Seung Hi to be a crazed, depressive, maniac.
Dude have you read his fucking English papers? He was a crazed psychotic, don't try and sugar coat it, no one just goes and starts killing people unless you are fucked in the head. To bad they didn't catch this kid alive so they could really punish him, death was the easy way out for this little fuck.
Cry me a river.

The media got some bad rap stuff on the Columbine kids like the video games they played, bomb instructions they had laying around, the supposed clique "Trenchcoat Mafia" they were part of, one of them took depressive pills, and their journals.

In the end of it all, they were pretty sane just like any one of us and that got covered up. The two guys bullied people around, made video tapes WAY before the Columbine incident saying they were going to do it (where were the parents on that part), the depressive guy's autopsy report stated he was on his meds the day of the incident, etc...

You're basically saying our US marines have to be pretty fucked up to go over seas, point the gun at the enemy and be able to fire. No, it's just instinct and the willingness to do it.
You're the one crying in the breast milk, about how this kid isnt a psychopath. You;re delusional if you think this shit head wasn't fucked in the head. I ask you again, did you not READ the papers he wrote? Even his teachers thought he was fucked in the head and needed help.

And to compare the Military killing the enemy, to a college student attending a university the same is one of the dumbest things i have ever heard.

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