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Location: University Park, PA
Default 04-17-2007, 08:38 PM

Originally Posted by Milla
Originally Posted by Coleman
roughly $28,000 for college stuff
wtf, public universities are supposed to be cheap!
ROFL yeah ok, considering the price goes up every fucking semester,
Well, they're supposed to be cheap compared to a "private college". PennState is getting a lot of publicity with their rising tuition costs. Some kid is taking a week off from classes and walking from Harrisburg to Old Main (PSU's bell tower). Will it do any good? Probably not. But it will get the word out.

Every time I turn around they're building a new building on this damn campus. Now they just started up the stupid Dickinson School of Law so a shitload of my money will be going towards some program that I'll never ever benefit from.

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