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Default 04-17-2007, 09:58 PM

Originally Posted by Milla
33 people wouldn't have been killed if the guy wasn't a psycho. It's a moot point man. Just because you don't like guns, or don't believe guns should be in the hands of civilians doesn't mean that everyone that carries them or has them is evil.

It all boils down to security at the schools. I think there should be armed guards on all campuses.
Exactly. You can't say if guns were banned he wouldn't have been able to kill 33 people. And let's not forget that the deadliest school massacre (VT wasn't it, by the way) didn't involve a single firearm.


Not that it cheapens what happened in Virginia in any way.....I'm just trying to illustrate Milla's point that if someone decides to create such carnage, they will regardless of what is done to try and stop them. All you can do is try to mitigate the damage.
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