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Default 04-17-2007, 10:23 PM

Originally Posted by elstatec
but a gun killed these people, not just the fucked up mind of some lunatic.
Wrong. A gun was USED to kill those people, not the gun itself. The gun couldn't fire itself, it needed a lunitic to point it at someone and pull the trigger.

Whenever something like this happens, people scream gun control. Well, the way i see it, gun control helped make this situation happen. How you ask? Well, you may argue that he had access to buying a gun legally. Yes, that is correct. Nothing was in his background to prove otherwise. Up until he killed his 1st victim, he didn't do anything to prevent himself from getting a gun legally. ... ID=1702625

The above link is why i feel gun control had an impact on yesterdays tragedy. If someone other than the shooter was armed, perhaps this never happens.

All you people can say what you will and monday quarterback it to death...all i know is, i always have a means to protect myself...always.

The world is my urinal
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