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Default 04-18-2007, 04:30 PM

Originally Posted by Sparks
Are the arrested kids charged as adults? Or do they see a shrink, do some community service, and they're free to try again at a later point in time?

This can get into that whole idea of what Phillip K. Dick wrote in his book "Minority Report".
How do we know these kids really, truly, 100% sure were going to carry it out aside from them having plans at home, having access to a gun, or just writing about in online. ... /item.html ... huh-d.html

Those two sites mention wanting to kill teachers... are we going to see them up there on the foiled lists?
You don't have an argument anymore. Stop trying so hard to be right, that's why we're arguing a totally different topic now.
Not only that but every point in your post is based on huge negative assumptions...

Seriously, what's worse - A kid going to counseling because of troubling images, to be analyzed - Or 30 kids dead?

What do you suggest? Just let this kind of thing happen?
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