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Default 04-19-2007, 12:55 AM

Originally Posted by Sparks
He could of built a bomb, placed fatal poison in the cafeteria food, chain up the outside of a dorm/school and start it on fire, release butane gas inside the dorms at night, etc..., what difference does it make what weapon he used.

Someone made reference earlier in this thread to 9/11... "should planes be banned" because the terrorist used them.
That's fucking retarded.

Theres a reason they're called "school SHOOTINGS" and why Cho referenced Dylan and Eric (Columbine killers) - This is basically another copycat. Remember all the postal worker killing sprees? They work like an epidemic. Im sorry but I cant think of any school bombings or chemical/bio attacks on any schools (Obviously there will be one or two). the point is there certainly isnt an epidemic of them.
People need to look at the VTECH massacre in the context of a larger issue which is the dramatic increase in school shootings in the last 20 years. Considering this, there is no doubt that part of the motivation for a kid to go shoot up his school, is knowing that it has been done before, several times, effectively.

Also, on a side-note:
You cant compare anything to a gun, they're the only thing delibritely MADE to kill effectively. Which is why there should be tighter regulations on who can own them, so people with mental disorders cannot get a hold of them.

Also, how the fuck did he get hollow-points? I thought they were illegal?
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