04-19-2007, 11:54 AM
Trip, hollow point bullets are legal here in the U.S. They're no more dangerous that a FMJ bullit IMO. I could be wrong here but i believe they banned the "Black Talons" after the Long Island Railroad shooting back in '93. Here's an Wikipedia definition
[url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Talon:be423]Black Talons[/url:be423]
To be honest, the 9mm is a marginal round to say the least. Headshots will always increase the chance of death no matter what caliber is used. I wonder how many of the 32 victims died with the 9mm round as opposed to the .22 round he used that day. Would it change things if we knew 90% of the victims died by being shot with the .22? From what i understand, most victims were shot multiple times and most suffered a headshot. At that, hollow points, FMJ, .22, or 9mm doesn't make all that much difference.
The world is my urinal