04-23-2007, 05:22 PM
[quote="Chronic Diarrhea":940b7][url:940b7]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Media_blackout[/url:940b7]
The Christian/Newsom murder is linked as a related article. The media is one of the top 5 things in this world that is severely fucking up our society IMO. Now I don't give a shit whether Imus lost his job or not. What he said was retarded, but it really wasn't newsworthy beyond an hour of coverage or so. The point is, Imus was fired because of the media, not because of Sharpton. All the media had to do was tell everybody to STFU about it, and chances are Imus would have kept his job. Then you have something like this happen, an actual newsworthy event, go completely uncovered. Now they're talking about the judge having to decide on whether those 5 pieces of horse shit are going to get the death penalty or not. If the media had covered that story like they do with bullshit stories like Anna Nicole Smith or Imus, there would be no question that they would get the death penalty. It's bullshit and it pisses me off so fucking much.[/quote:940b7]
Moral relativism RARELY was a valid form of debate. While the "crimes" are very differnt (one is social, the other implicit) - both IMUS and these thugs are wrong. You can say it's a shame that this hasn't gotten the attention it deserves, but you cant excuse one person's fuck up because it isnt as "aggressive" as what these kids did.
As for the persons insistance that Black-On-White crime isn't reported - bullshit. Wasn't it last year or so that the nutjob who escaped from the courthouse and killed a cop and kidnapped the white woman was ALL OVER the news. I'm sure there are other cases, but you can't cherry pick shit like this.