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Hard drive begining to fail?
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Default Hard drive begining to fail? - 04-26-2007, 08:34 AM

I have 2 hard-drives installed on my older P4 (2.6GHz) rig. The 30g HD has the operating system installed on it (Win XP) and the 80g HD is used for storage. Lately, i'll lose the 80g drive in windows explorer. If i use winamp to play an mp3 on the 80g drive, it'll play at 1st, then it won't. Seems the drive acts like a ghost.....sometimes it's there, sometimes it's not. Is the problem with that drive or perhaps on the 30g initial drive? I'm thinking the drive with the OS is at fault. Any ideas?

btw, my taskbar changed this morning when i booted. It's got the gay winxp look to it as opposed to the "classic view". This leads me to believe something is wrong with the 30g drive.

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