04-28-2007, 10:33 AM
Id say no more then 4 times a week. Work on legs one time then upper body the next, alternate back and fourth. On upper body weights, start your work out light and increase it as the work progresses for an hour. On the final lift go heavy but not to the point of hurting yourself. If you pull a muscle your done for a few weeks. It aint goinna happen over night so dont work out like it will. Take your time and work up slowly. Youll notice after a month or so you can lift more then when you started. Dont go crazy and try and lift too much because you think you can.
On lift days it wont hurt until the second day. Let the upper body rest and work on the legs, Thats why you alternate back and forth to let one part of you body heal while you work on another. Youll see and feel a difference in the 4 months you have. Above all, slow and easy is the key.