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Douchetallica is Offline
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Default 04-30-2007, 11:47 AM

I don't remember seeing iD logo's/name on the box or on game start up for CoD2. Infinity Ward aren't even paying licensing fees to iD for their new game, nor did they for CoD2. I think that in itself says it's their engine, saying otherwise is just an insult to the hard working programmers at Infinity Ward.

They licensed Quake engine for CoD1 and started building their own engine at the same time, structuring it like Quake since the entire team had worked with it before (MoH:AA ring any bells), so no big surprise if they have the same "feel" to them.

But, I guess we can all believe what we want about their engine as no one will ever have sufficient proof (source code).

I'm picking up CoD4 on release day as well as MoH:A.
CoD4 for mapping/play and MoH:A for mapping. beer:
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