Originally Posted by Tripper
Originally Posted by Milla
Originally Posted by HaVoc
WTF? You guys aren’t even in the commonwealth... And why is she in the south? That's not America, that's the depths of hell!
Virginia is a Commonwealth state...
It's not officially in the commonwealth though, you know right?
Cuontrrrrrrrrrrrry roaaaaads, take me hooooooooome, to the plaaaaaaaaaace I beloooooong, West Virginyaaaaaaaaa Moutnain sommaaaat, take me hoooooome, countryroaaaaads!
Yer wtf? You guys were thrown out of our fab club when you did the worst of all war crimes - dumping the precious tea in Boston Harbour! cuss:
& as I'm one of those Royalist types I'm gonna post a pic of her new photo:
beer: cheers ma'am