Originally Posted by Pyro
Originally Posted by Tripper
Originally Posted by Pyro
Originally Posted by "Tripper":298db
Have you got a response for me that makes sense, or is that it?
thought it would be the only thing you'd understand
as I am the biggest wigger in the world...I doubt you'd be able to understand me if I spoke normally...as all I do is display my wiggerness...which you couldn't possibly comprehend...had to lower myself to your level to put it simply.
that makes zero sense at all because the statement was actually more wiggery than usual, which is the exact opposite of what you just said.
rofl nice one you illogical fuck.
no shit.
Glad you figured that out.
oh ok, so you meant to be illogical - nice save shawn
rofl what a dumb fuck[/quote:298db]
Being illogical is the only way to get through to you.