05-06-2007, 02:30 AM
lol, remember the theme song 2 his show?
"Peter North was a man,
Yes, a big man!
With nuts like a rhino
And a schlong like a mighty oak tree!
Peter North had a cock,
Yes, a big cock!
He was hung like a donkey
pretty whack for a honky was he!
From the purple helm on the top of his dick,
To it's base with veins of blue;
The rippin'est, roarin'est, fightin'est cock
The frontier ever knew!
What a dude! What a fucker!
What a yogurt truck crasher was he!
He could blow his wadd at the drop of a hat,
Be it gay or inter-racial!
And after Ol'Pete wuz thru with that,
He'd give some bitch a facial!
Peter North had a cock,
Yes, a big cock!
And he fucked for Canadia
To make all Canadians free!"