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TGB! is Offline
Command Sergeant Major
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Join Date: Dec 2003
Default 05-09-2007, 10:42 PM

First may I say - Nyck sucks.

Second - Oh. Emm. Gee.

So - Richards immortal? Well I guess he can't be since he has aged. But he must be quite fucking old.

Ben - oh Ben. We knew you were a fucking lunatic, but god damn. That shit is hardcore.

Who ELSE is one of the "original" hostiles?

So Juliet is a Lostie now. Damn. I liked the duplicitous Juliet better.

This show just kicked it up a notch.

My guesses - Jacob is the manifestation of "The Island". Ben is fucking with the Island's mojo, and thats why Jacob needs Locke's help - to undo the shit Ben and Richard have done (although its obvious Richard has become, to an extent, aware of Ben's bullshit).

Mikhals asskicking was sweet.

Alex remains always fuckable.
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