Originally Posted by butch
I often wonder why guys buy a car then try and make it sound like something its not. It is what it is, A compact car with a little nothin motor. If you want the sound and the horsepower, buy the car with the ass to make that sound on its own. Hint, if it only has one pipe it aint worth the trouble or expence. It was ment for basic transportation, just use it for that.
If ya cant afford to run with the big dogs why bother gettin off the porch. Its a waste of time and money and makes ya look bad in the process. Guys with the true horsepower machines laugh at guys who do this kind of thing, as they drive by thinking how cool they are. With that car your better off driving by unnoticed.
Im not trying to start anything here, Im just telling you the reality of this kind of waste of money for basicly nothing.
Its not really a waste of money, you grew up in a totally different generation. I mean you can find a WRX or a Honda or any import really beat a modded muscle car, it just depends how much you want to put in to it. Just because I put a small exhaust on which is barely audible from far away, but loud enough to i can actually hear the motor rumble i see nothing wrong with that, its not like i have an obnoxious exhaust on. I also enjoy the gas mileage and the fact that even for a small 4 cylinder it sure does get up and move, but I bet if you even drove a WRX or an STi you would see how much more fun it is to drive.
I mean just for reference
And just because Muscle cars are awesome.
4 cylinders can be fast, but like you say,. its all about how much money you want to spend.
And you know your a red neck if...you cant drive
I mean no offense butch, i'm not trying to say you dont know what you are talking about, and im not trying to say 4 cyl. are better than V8's, i for one would love to restore an old Camaro or Charger or any old muscle car, but the fact of the matter is, you don't know about the power some 4cyl can make for a couple thousand dollars. Than again, the WRX's weren't designed for straight line racing, but rather auto crossing, thats where a real race is, when you have to spend money on breaks, suspension, not just motor parts and transmission parts to go fast in a straight line.