Thread: campers
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Default campers - 09-25-2002, 05:58 PM

I have a comment about campers that I'm sure I'll get alot of complaints about but here it goes.I don't have any problem with campers as so many others do. That is a part of war. Does anybody think that snipers in real war run around up and down streets shooting? Of course not. I know it's just a game but everyone wants it as realistic as possible, right. I for one don't camp unless I have a sniper rifle but its a great tactic to lay and wait for your enemy to come to you and then cut him in half with a machine gun especially if there is two or more. Let em run past you and then blast away or toss a nade. I'm sure i'll get some flak about this but please respond their might be something I'm unaware of about why players hate campers so much. The only thing I can think of is they hate-em so much is because they just don't like getting killed by someone playing smart and they are running around like a chicken with their head cut off.
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