MUCH Slower FPS than normal, PLZ help!!! -
09-25-2002, 06:10 PM
I had MOH installed on my system and it worked just fine. then i had to re-format and reinstall win2000 on my machine. i put MOH back on, got the patch and everything, and booted it up. now when i play i only get like 15-30 FPS when i play, compared to the 95 i used to get. what is the deal Here!??! can someone PLZ help me, i cant even tell when im getting shot at, its pathetic, plz help!!!
i have:
AMD athlon XP 1600+ processor
40 Gig 7200RPM HD
512MB DDR ram
ATI All in wonder 8500DV ( with 64mb DDR )
i should be getting at LEAST like 75 Fps, plz help!