Originally Posted by rudedog
OK, this new feature is now in jeopardy of being shut down.
I've asked nicely for you guys to behave, especially on an open medium like the chat board.
So I'm going through the logs to make sure things are working and to try and see if there are any system spikes when there is more then a couple people in the room at any given time and what do I find?
Someone is using the N word like it's going out of style. We have two problems with that.
1) It should have been filtered, it's on the list?
2) Why the hell would someone act like a fucking 3 year old?
OK, I can kind of see this talk between people that know each other. But when I find someone talking to someone else who is not a regular of the off topic section, that bothers me .... A LOT!
I will be honest, I put up with the dick and gay jokes here in off topic section because I know it's kind of been that way for a while.
Please make a very big effort to control your inner child in the chat room. I find this kind of shit happening again,
1) we loose the chat section
2) pertinent ban from this server's root table
I'm trying to bring AA.com/GF1.com back to life with new features a new front end and soon new forums, I don't need to find shit like this in the logs.
Oh one other thing. You may think it's cool and it's how the interweb works, it's not. Try and use the social network to help build your own personal being to make yourself worth something for a change.
Logs have been purged, please do not let me find this kind of trash again.
Rudedog pops a couple Valium and goes to lay down for a bit.
Does that honestly suprise you though?