05-14-2007, 08:38 PM
Yup, gotta watch out for the zombies during the high season.
Went to a free public range on Sunday. The range is a mess because, obviously, it's not paid for upkeep or anything, so people just shit on it. They bring out junk like cabinets and light them up. While fun, it leaves a mess for everyone else, so that sucks. But it's free, so it's ok. I may join a club so i can have a nice place to shoot. There were other people at the range and all were ok. Everyone was safe.
Kind of shitty day. After being shorts weather on Saturday, it rained sunday morning. I was going to get out there bright and early, but I had to delay until about 10am because of the rain. I didn't really want to be out there in the rain.
It's probably for the better that it was crappy out. If it was nice, there wouldn't have been any place to shoot from. It was about 80% full on a crap day. On a nice day there would be way too many people there.
50m, 100m, 200m, 300m targets. Had a little trouble since the sight on the nagant is in arshins.
Reloading using the 5 round clip. these work pretty decently. You need to seat the ammo right though.
The rifle was clean before i went, and i lightly oiled it. When I got there, after 10 or 15 rounds I found the bolt giving me a really hard time to extract the spent casings. I sprayed it down with more lube and it worked ok after that. Next time I go I will strip the bolt and oil it even more.
Rifle shoots nice though. I read about people saying the recoil is way too much, and they could only fire 20 rounds before their shoulder hurt. I fired 80 rounds on Sunday with no problem and could have gone on.
Iron sights kind of suck though. If you want to be accurate over 50m you need a scope.
Basically I could hit the paper no prob at 50m, but getting a nice group isn't possible, for me anyway, without a lot more practice, or some aids like some sandbags to erst the rifle on, or having a semi auto nagant. Since you have to manually work the bolt, you lose your position each time. Especially if you have to take the rifle out of your shoulder.