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Default 05-27-2007, 01:00 AM

Originally Posted by Blase
Originally Posted by gtboys34
whats the point is my beef! the story was hardly funny and was honestly....sad. What good can come from that...really?
I feel like a fool responding seriously, but what's the point of putting them in jail? Because they decided they wanted a unique rollercoaster ride while not affecting anyone but themselves? Are you such a prick that if people do drugs you'd honestly want them to die? What's the point of that?
somewhere locked up where they're not able to come in contact with anyone of any importance (other criminals). How would you feel if dude puked on the damn ride and that shit came back and you swallowed that shit while screaming your ass off! Unique rollercoaster ride??? The hell ever..! Like someone stated earlier, getting on a ride is scary enough (for most) and you dont need fucking drugs in your system to "enjoy" the ride. Now if dude would have died of a massive heart attack or some shit im sure you and everyone here wouldn't be so against me being against the idea of experimenting on your body.....WIF DRUGZZZ.
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