Originally Posted by geRV
I find it hard as hell to play mohaa any more, hasn't aged well at all. The multiplayer servers are perhaps the gayest thing since Freddie Mercury, just about every single server has some retarded mod which will be either:
Some other pos where you have every weapon available at the same time
A mod where maps have random tanks\boxes strewn all over the map which makes long range engagements harder.
Freeze tag..was ok at the start but got oOo: pretty fast
Or a mix of all the above.
Yep. Exactly. That's why I say there's only one good server left. It's a sniper/rifle V2 24/7 server. It's the place where the good players play now. That place will make you look at MOHAA a different way. If you don't know how to bounce nades off of three walls to put it into a room all the way down a hall, then you're going to die within 10 seconds at the start of the round. I've gotten nade kills on that map within 5 seconds of spawning before. You can't afford to fuck anything up, not even one step. I actually like it because it plays almost like a strategy game where you have to think before you do anything.