Originally Posted by Sparks
Originally Posted by Tripper
Originally Posted by Sparks
I had just saw PotC2 the other day for the first time, so I guess my point of view is equal to that of a PotC fanboy who watches the movies all the time. rolleyes:
Fanboy? I've seen all the films once in theaters and not any other time. That doesnt make me a fanboy you stupid fucking cuntspark.
The fact that I cant remember enough of what happens in part 2 to know whats going on when I was watching part 3 rules me out of the fanboy catergory.
...I never called you a fanboy. Learn to comprehend posts.
You said you couldn't recall everything that happened in PotC2, then I said I could because I had just seen it the other day so my opinion on the third movie being good is similar to that of a fanboy who sees the movies all the time and knows what's going on.
I didn't catch one thing in the second movie, who had last taken the chest with the heart. I don't ever remember it leaving Jack Sparrow's jar of dirt in the boat in PotC2 until he broke the jar and it wasn't inside, so I never knew who had the heart till I saw PotC3.
Learn to comprehend? The rolling-eye smiley had me thinking you were being sarcastic. If you read what you posted as sarcasm, it says an entirely different thing to what you intended.