Thread: Bike Laws
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Bike Laws
Douchetallica is Offline
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Default Bike Laws - 06-03-2007, 05:11 PM

[rant]Are there bike laws that byciclists must obey similar as to govermental rules of the road for car/motorcycle drivers?

I swear, everytime I drive north of Chicago to visit the girlfriend... there is always someone on a bike running down red lights and stop signs as if nothing. I sometimes can't help but wonder why someone driving a car has to pay attention to those rules, why can't we just drive as we wish.

Today on my way to visit the girlfriend, I came to a stop sign and stopped as I usually do, but I see a bycyclist coming down the perpendicular street speeding (that street has a stop sign too)... so I ease off the brakes and gently press the gas pedal knowing he's coming down speeding on his little 'ol bike... needless to say, I got pretty close to the guy and scared him, I didn't blow my horn since I didn't want the guy to fall over in shock and have a lawsuit on my hands. Had he drove into me, would I have lost that lawsuit? Good question, the government probably would have felt sorry for someone on a bike.

Guess I shouldn't complain... as sick as it sounds... car drivers have the last laugh because the byciclists are always on the news in Chicago for getting hit by trains (I wonder why!).[/rant]
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