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TGB! is Offline
Command Sergeant Major
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Join Date: Dec 2003
Default 06-07-2007, 10:13 AM

[quote:b29bf]why should she be released, because her parents are rich and shes a d list celeb?[/quote:b29bf]

Appearantly shes being released due to medical reasons. If these are false youll have to bring it up with the folks releasing her. /shrug

As if noone here would make up a bullshit story to get out of doing time - even a month.

[quote:b29bf]what does that prove to young people[/quote:b29bf]

Probably not a whole lot as their are scores MORE examples of the Judicial Hammer coming down hard on tards than not. If you are shocked that priviliege provides access to representation that the common folks cant afford (and why should a genius lawyer work for anything less than what the Hilton's are paying?), then you really need to get out more. Paris Hilton being let out of prison to serve the remainder of her time on HOME CONFINEMENT, is not going to destroy the legal system.
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