06-07-2007, 11:21 AM
[quote:ca817]Yes, I do believe it's flawed because you can get out based on the dollar.[/quote:ca817]
So all lawyers should do pro-bono work, or have their wages regulated? Because thats the ONLY way you're going to level the playing field for everyone to get similar representation. As it is, the best and brightest (and cleverest) lawyers go to the highest bidder. Why shouldn't they - their law school debt isn't going to magically disappear.
[quote:ca817]Why would you have no disapproval of a system that is supposed to be in place to give fair punishments but fails to do the very thing it's set up for?[/quote:ca817]
Uhm - Hilton was sentenced to prison. The system did its job. From what CNN is saying, its the prison THEMSELVES who have agreed to allow Hilton to serve the remainder of her sentence on house arrest, not the courts.
And yes, even IF she managed to find some loophole in the system - the system is still working as intended. As soon as you guys can come up with a fool-proof justice system that has a 100% conviction rate for 100% of the REAL criminals, and lets the innocent go free - be sure to let me in on it so I can get some credit.
What is ultimately funny, is that you folks are castigating the Hiltons for what I'm sure each and everyone of you would do in their place - get their loved ones out of a bad situation by ANY means neccessary.
[quote:ca817]If any of us had tried to pull a "It's cold, I'm scared, now I can't eat" routine and say I was getting psychological problems they'd most likely not release me. [/quote:ca817]
Bullshit. If you have a legit medical issue, and the state/county takes no action - then they have a lawsuit on their hands. Now I dont know if any of you are former prison doctors/psychologists - but they felt that her shit was on the up and up. Other than your bias against young people with money acting like fools (shocking - who has heard of such a thing) do you have ANYTHING to say shes otherwise?