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TGB! is Offline
Command Sergeant Major
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Join Date: Dec 2003
Default 06-07-2007, 12:35 PM

[quote:5357b]Then the only difference between us is that I think we should have better law makers and you think we should have better attorneys.[/quote:5357b]

I'm just not so idealistic to think human beings are at all capable of creating the perfect legal system. For all the Hiltons, you have many more Stewarts, Skakels, Lays, Downey Jrs., etc.

[quote:5357b]please we all know you like to come here and spew off your e-pinons and talk down and seem so intellectually superior to a bunch of people but get your "lucky" dollar sign boxers all in a bunch when somone checks you on your "god-like" opinion or does a pisstake on your behalf.[/quote:5357b]

Hey whatever comes naturally. And sorry Sally, but my boxers are unbunched. You and Coleman have yet to say anything other than "Oh god shes such a slut and she sucks!". The rest of your rant is fantasy projection - while the entirety of mine is fact, or was Coleman making it up that, just like here, a great chunk of your one-on-one conversation centers around a woman over a thousand miles away from you that you've never met, and have the capacity to ignore but choose not to?

I thought not.
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